Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Teeny Tiny Little Letter E

Probably the most interesting thing that has happened lately was that Ari had a teeny tiny little letter E stuck to his eyelid yesterday. Sounds completely random, I know. And it was.

Yesterday I was making chocolate chip cookies for our ladies that we visit teach and I was of course singing our favorite Cookie Monster song to Ari while I was mixing and baking... "C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me... Oh! Cookie cookie cookie starts with C!" Once I popped the first batch into the oven I realized it was about time for a diaper change. When I laid Ari down he blinked and I noticed he had something white on his eyelid. I guess C is for Cookie was just too elementary for our little genius! I was laughing for a good minute over the idea that Ari was telling me "E is for Eye!" Could he possibly know? Nah...

I had to get a picture! No one will believe this one. But it was so small, my camera couldn't pick it up. Oh well. There goes my proof.

This is the best I could do. Blurry because Ari is trying to grab the camera. Can't see the E because his eyes are open!

Of course any good mom isn't going to just let her kid go around with something stuck to his eyelid... what if it falls off and gets in his eye? So I gently tried to brush it away with my fingertip. It didn't budge. I got my fingertip wet and tried again. Stuck. I broke out the big guns and got a Q-tip wet and wiped at it again. Still there. So I gave up and figured if it was that well glued to his eyelid then it wasn't going to fall off any time soon. At least it would still be in place when Erik got home. He wouldn't have believed me otherwise. And of course, once he saw it, he cracked up, and proceeded to try and wipe it off. I told him it ain't going anywhere. We just had to wait for it to fall off on its own. We put him to bed that way and this morning it wasn't there anymore.

And just as mysteriously as it had appeared... the teeny tiny little letter E was gone.

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