His latest trick: the truly social smile! I love it when he smiles at me in the morning when he first sees me... there is truly nothing better in the world! Until he starts giggling, of course...
My sister-in-law Ashley was gracious enough to host a Mary Kay party at her house with Amanda, Kim, Rachel, and Brenna, and it was a huge success! I learned a lot, I had a lot of fun hanging out with "the girls," Erik had some Daddy time alone with Ari, and I got to dress up and feel like I was going to work again! There is something about being valued as an Independent Beauty Consultant that adds to my self-esteem in a way that's different from being Mommy, although I must say nothing could compete with mommyhood!
We are still moving, although not to Nord Avenue as I had previously shared. Ashley came over and we spent all day Tuesday packing and took a load over that night to get a head start on Wednesday Moving Day and much to my shock and horror someone had thrown a grapefruit-sized rock through the window of what was to be the baby's room. I called the landlord and needless to say, we are no longer going to be living there. Whether it was a drunk college student acting stupid or a burglar that realized the apartment was empty only after the rock came through the window, it doesn't really matter. Either way, it served as a warning that it wasn't a very nice neighborhood. So tomorrow is Wednesday Moving Day: Take Two and this time I am keeping our new locale a secret. We don't need any more rocks, thank you very much!
The onesie says it all.
Cloth diapering is going very well, I am excited to report. The FuzziBunz are my favorite for nap time and bedtime as they have the least tendency to spring a leak when I use the doubler. We are getting the hang of putting them on so as to minimize leakage and maximize comfort for Ari. He doesn't seem to have a preference, unless you count the absence of a diaper altogether, which isn't really an option that I'm willing to accommodate, except for during bath time. The new place doesn't have a washer or dryer inside but we have enough diapers now that we can go two, sometimes three days before needing to launder them. I can handle that. It's worth the money we'll save, in the long run. Plus everyone thinks they're just so darned cute (which they are... way cuter than disposables, even the ones with prints on them) and they're quite the conversation starter (at least with other moms, and women in general.) So after two weeks of exclusively using cloth diapers, our conclusion: We love them!
This last month I learned to blog only about things that have actually happened, not what might happen, because that can be a letdown. Speaking of letdown, I think it's about time for Ari to eat...